06 November 2010

Special Offers Breakdown part 1, SBTV Fail Report

Good Afternoon Swaggernauts!

I think I am going to have to adjust my timeframe for weekend blog delivery. I'm not the local newspaper with a staff that runs like clockwork :P I'm just a mom with a mess of things going on friday, saturday, and sunday.

So I suppose you can expect the weekend SwagMelts to come out in the afternoons. I hope you stick with me!

Today marks the beginning of a week long series about Special Offers. I plan to go wall - by - wall, including each companies different methods of pursuing missing SwagBucks. I will also do a couple of common special offer types, walk you through and show how they are done to get your credit! Some of them are tricksy, but once you know their methods, Most of the time you can get them to credit. Some offers are better just left alone, I will help you identify those as well.

This post will just be a brief introduction to the special offer wall. I read a lot of "What is Gambit?" "What is the slider?" "Where are they?" types of questions, so that's probably the logical place to start :P

Before that though, you know how I'm always saying "Write the Contact Us page for problems x,y,z!" ?  This morning I got miffed that I'm STILL unable to watch SBTV. I won once or twice in the past few days, and I think that was a fluke :P So I took all the screenshots I've posted on the Swagbucks Facebook wall and another from this morning, went over to the contact form, submitted a ticket, and took screenshots along the way.

You can find the Contact Us link at the bottom of the Swagbucks Homepage.

When you get there, you have to choose your basic topic from the dropdown menu. This time I picked Technical.

Once you click the appropriate downdown choice, other boxes will open for you to fill out. Here is what my ticket looks like before I press Submit. You can't see it in the text box, but I included links to the screenshots using my photobucket account.

I had to enter my browser version and a subject line for the inquiry, ticket, mail, whatever you like to call it. Then fill out a description of the technical trouble you are having, whether it's toolbar problems, SBTV problems, search page results giving you a weird error, etc. When you are done and satisfied, press Submit, and get this success message.

Done, Submitted, auto reply in my email saying they received my ticket and will get back to me as soon as possible. So I just wait! I will let you know what they say when they reply :)

On to Special Offers Breakdown, part 1!

The most common question I see is "What is the slider? Where can I find it?" 

"The Slider" is a special offer tool from gWallet that is found on the Swagbucks home page.  Scroll past the hourly winner, a little farther than half way down the page. It looks like a yellow bar with an icon that changes every few seconds. 

When you hover your mouse over the yellow bar, or click it, it "slides away" to reveal a row of special offer icons. There's a small yellow arrow at the end that points to the right- click it to "slide" to the next row of special offers. 

 All of these offers can also be found on the Special Offers page, under the gWallet tab, but NOT all of the gWallet offers from that tab are on this slider. This slider is usually the first place people find videos to watch for small swagbucks. 9 times out of 10 the videos are on the slider, but once in a while you have to go digging through the offer wall itself. 

Speaking of offer walls, what the heck is that?  

The offer walls can all be found on the Special Offers page.  To get there you can either use the Earn button on your toolbar, or the bar at the top of any of the Swagbucks pages. 

 Clicking either of these brings you to the Special Offers page. The first thing you see is OfferWall (also known as PaymentWall). 

OfferWall is the new kid on the block. When it first launched, I was so excited. There's some features that are PRETTY NICE, things I wish I could see from the other companies. Also, when it first launched, the payouts for offers that could be found on multiple walls was Much Higher. That is not always the case anymore. This page dominates your first impression of the Special Offers page. For some this is confusing. It looks like this is the whole tamale! However, if you scroll down past it, you see 5 more virtual currency (offer) companies listed in tabs. In this screenshot you see Gambit is the wall I'm looking at.

Each offer wall has its own set of tabs to filter the offers. I usually pick FREE, but sometimes I will chose ALL to see if there are free offers that somehow didn't make it onto the FREE tab. It happens. A lot. 

That's the short and sweet on where to find each offer company. The screenshot for Gambit doesn't show a Videos tab, but when there are videos available through Gambit, you will see an extra tab. Keep your eyes on the Swagbucks Facebook page. People will swing by and post when they find videos. Or just go to the offers page and check through each company. There aren't videos every day, they seem to come in waves. Sometimes you can only watch a video once, sometimes more than once. gWallet seems to have the most frequent "multi-view' videos. The best bet is, once you have watched your video, refresh the page. If the video is still listed as available, you can Probably get swagbucks for watching it again. It's usually a different video for the same company (the AXE ones have like, 3 videos.) 

Once you have done an offer, and gotten credit for it, the listing will disappear from whichever wall you found it on. 

That's it for today. Short and sweet. Tune back in tomorrow, Same(ish) Swag Time, Same Swag Channel. The series will continue with a breakdown of each offer company (and their systems for chasing down your missing swagbucks) day by day. At the end I will do a couple of posts walking you through some common types of special offers, and the TASKS tab on Gambit.

Until then, I hope you are enjoying your weekend! I hope you are raking in the swag! I hope you are doing some...


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