08 December 2010

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! (SuperRewards) & Offer Alerts!

Good Afternoon Swag Friends :)

Today's post is pretty late. It's been hard to focus this morning! My stepkids mom pulled her out of preschool, now she's with us again. It's a shame. She was learning SO MUCH at school! This house is so Boring! *laugh*

I love having her around but I hate to see such a good brain go to waste. I've been trying to work and play with her at the same time, but I'm going to have to find a balance, or the blog will never get done. My 2 year old has finally gotten the routine down. Wake, play with mommy, eat, a little more mommy time, then play by himself  / watch Sesame Street, mug mommy for hugs now and then, until I'm done. My daughter though, has a hard time understanding that it's hard to get stuff done if she is constantly stopping me to ask about trees at the North Pole or to see if we can have macaroni and cheese for dinner on Friday *chuckle!*

Good thing for Christmas I got her a LeapFrog Tag system from Amazon and a bundle of Tag books from eBay, courtesy of Swag Bucks! After Christmas I'm going to start saving for the phonics bundles that go with the Tag system. That way she can read / entertain herself while I post, and we can play / color / read together with Isaac after I'm done! (Sound like a good plan?)

I tried very hard to find good offers last night for today's blog post. All I ran into were problem offers. Well, at least I can help you to avoid Those! This morning SuperRewards loaded up some new free offers, but I haven't had a chance to test any of them besides the CityVille Zynga Facebook application. 20 minutes ago, still no credit.. maybe by the time I'm done posting this!

Before I start though, here's a quick tip for newer swaggernauts. I always say "search naturally". Use the search instead of your bookmarks. Here's a screenshot to show that it works- I even use the search to go to the Swagbucks Blog, SBTV, and the special offers page.

If you use the search naturally, to get to where you need to go instead of trying to come up with searches all day, you will get at least 3 search wins a day, 98% of the time. Spread out those searches too!

Oh, and real quick, before you read further, have you looked at gWallet and Gambit today? gWallet has a Degree video that pays out 5 times for 10 swagbucks total, and Gambit has videos too- but some users are having problems with the Gambit videos today.  Some are getting mega swagbucks for them though!

Before I get to the special offer alerts, did you see SuperRewards' new View Offer Status screen? Check it out..

It sure LOOKS slick. *laugh* It's a lot easier to read, and I like how the right side shows an envelope with a red number to indicate you have a response waiting on open inquiries. I wonder though...  Up top it says to create an account or log in to view full activity, play mini games, and more.

I don't want to sign up. I have a feeling if I sign up with one email address, then any time I use a different email for an offer, I will get refused swagbucks due to "fraudulent information" or some such nonsense. I could be wrong, I could be paranoid, but think about it.. and it seems plausible. I'm really curious about those mini games though. Are they FOR anything? I mean it would be pretty neat if you could win SuperRewards currency that you could redeem for whichever site you chose, whether it be for Swagbucks, or Embee points, or currency on your favorite Facebook game. I'm not going to sign up to find out though- Too Paranoid! hehehe

If you do try the games out, let me know what the scoop is, please? Thanks!

Back to the View Offer Status screen. If you have an offer that hasn't credited, click on the question mark circle for that offer at the right of the list. Before you can input your inquiry information, it will show you a long list of reasons why you may not get your currency despite your best efforts, and why Super Rewards may not be responsible for crediting you. Gotta love it.

Take a closer look at the last one. This one alarms the Heck out of me!

 This section tells you basically to ignore your anti-virus software. !!! For real, look!  "These programs not only flag viruses but also third-party cookies which the advertisers use to track your completion of the offers. Review the message from your anti-virus software and you will see that it is simply a warning. You do not need to be alarmed. We assure you that none of the offers displayed by Super Rewards contain viruses."

If this were the case, then every download I ever did through an offer company would set off a flag, because of the tracking cookies. And I would never get credit for any of them without the alerts. Also, my virus software is very good, and gives details about what the problem is. Now, I could see when it pops up saying "AdWare", that might be the tracking cookies for some offers.  

However, when a virus alert pops up and screams TROJAN being installed into the Win32 section of my system, that is no innocent tracking cookie!

People will tell you anything, sell you anything, promise you anything.

Forget what they say and be VIGILANT if you are going to risk downloading anything. Do not ignore Malware or Trojan or "silent applications that try to take over your system by creating invisible subroutine" messages!

 Unbelievable *shakes her head*. I can't believe they said that. So many people simply do not know better, and would trust SuperRewards at face value. Please, BE CAREFUL! And sad to say this but, be Cynical when it comes to these offer companies and their promises of safety. At least when it comes to downloads.

Just to show you an example of an actual virus in a download, (on TapJoy, not SuperRewards, though I *have* encountered this on SR as well in the past!) let's look at one of the TapJoy free offers that have popped up this week.

As I've said before, I like to test things out so I can blog for you. If it's good, you need to know. If it's bad, you Really need to know! So I took a stab at this, an offer for 27 on TapJoy's free tab.

Instant Alarm Bells in my head, which made me that much more curious, from a research standpoint. Screensavers from the web are OFTEN virus ridden. Who knows though, maybe I would get lucky.. *laugh!*

This link takes you to HappyScreensavers.com, and the first thing I saw, I wanted. (How very clever of them LOL. Conspiracies Everywhere! haha!)

That "Through the Looking Glass" one looks.. Nice! Maybe, just Maybe I will be able to get it without having to put my laptop in the hospital..

NOPE!!!  Trojan alert, trying to install to Win32! YUCK, I KNEW IT!  This is no darn tracking cookie.

Obviously, avoid this one like the plague. Plague for PC!

A lot of people say they Never, Ever download for swagbucks. Now, some things are NOT harmful! Take the Weather Channel app- I actually liked that! No virus, no harmful side effects. But without really good virus protection, it's definately better to be safe than sorry. Even with my software, stuff still slips through now and then (though usually from sites like Yahoo video or YouTube.)

Before I go on, while I'm on downloads, remember yesterdays post I mentioned the Fiesta download on Gambit? It's still something I consider a good offer, and a good download. TapJoy has it also- but for only 68 versus Gambits 84. For larger SB offers, shop around for the best price- it pays off!

Lets see *shuffles through her Windows notepad* what else have I got for you today?

2 more bad offers, and one good one. That's not a great ratio... Sorry! I tried!

First is just a mention, no screenshots. Ah and it's from TapJoy, big surprise *laugh!* "Submit your model resume to appear on a world-wide TV commercial!" for 47. This offer is from EliteMate, and I have tried it 3 different times with no credit, no response to inquiry. They want hottie girls because EliteMate is one of those sketchy dating services that covers the range from normal people, to cheating husbands and wives. *sigh* (what is wrong with this world??)

Don't bother. I didn't get credit, not because I'm not a hottie- the requirements say submit your photo not
"be gorgeous" LOL. Just because it's a bad offer that doesn't credit. Don't waste your time.

Next on the naughty list is an offer from gWallet. Technically it's not a bad offer, it's just one where you have to give out your financial information to get your swagbucks.

If you are seriously looking for a service that tracks your financial information, with the purpose of protecting you from Identity Theft, you might want to try it. Personally, I am very wary of such offers, and never finish them once I find out they want bank account or credit card numbers and information. Many services are real, many are frauds themselves.

Finally, I can get to a good offer that credits! I don't know how long this one will be around though.

This is a gift application through Facebook. You are supposed to send the "crazy turkey" gift to one friend. For 34 swagbucks, nice!

By the way, this screenshot and the rest show me having 0 gift tokens- I didn't take pics until the offer credited. Just plum forgot to! However, you start with 20 tokens. The gift you are supposed to send to get your credit is for 22 tokens. You have to do special offers to get the last 2. Fortunately this is Easy! They have videos from gWallet and PaymentWall!

The payout is 1 token per video, so just watch 2 videos and you are good to go! By the way, before I looked for videos, I tried three offers from SuperRewards on the gift app. None of them credited. Just go straight to the videos to avoid annoyance!

After you earn your two tokens, go back to the main page and choose the Crazy Turkey gift. Then choose a recipient.

Again, this says I have 0 tokens. I already sent it to myself, from my alternate SwagMelt Swaggernaut account. I didn't want to trash up anyones gift requests with an old Thanksgiving gift :P I didn't actually send this to Katie as I'd already completed the offer. You're welcome, Katie!

Press Buy This Gift, and after it sends, check your balance. The swagbucks showed up for me pretty much instantly, but others have reported it taking longer. As always, it varies, and no one knows why.

And there you have it! Managed to end on a high note, that's always good! Tonight I will go surfing through the new offers that loaded up today and see if I can't dig something up for you. Oh, by the way, my SuperRewards CityVille swagbucks (8) JUST arrived. Took almost an hour. But they came!  Good Enough!

I'm off to make lunch and PLAY! YAY! Until tomorrow swag friends,


If anyone reading this is not yet a member of Swagbucks, but wants to get on the swagtrain and start earning the free loot, there's no time like the present! Just go to the swidget , up top on the right there, press the Sign Up button on the bottom right. Fill out a short form, confirm your email, and get 30 swagbucks to get you rolling! Then come back here and click the Beginner Tips tab at the top of the blog. That should give you some quick pointers on how to get started!

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