09 December 2010

I beg your pardon, Swag Friends!

Good Morning Swaggernauts!

Do you ever have one of those days where nothing seems to go right? I've been having one of those since last night. None of the offers I've tried credit. Some won't even send confirmation emails. There's very little food in the house (thank God its payday) and my son refuses to eat the same things he's been eating for a week. I'm getting sick, or I'm just so stressed and tired I *feel* sick? I dunno. I stubbed my toe, burnt my wrist on the toaster oven, broke my favorite coffee cup in a spastic moment (it just flew out of my hands, how does that happen? LOL) and I can't focus long enough to get anything done for the blog .*chuckle* That might have something to do with getting less than 3 hours of sleep last night, bringing my total sleep hours for the last week to somewhere close to 28. Not. Nearly. Enough!

I'm pretty wore out on special offers posts, since so many of them are bad offers. (there are tons of good ones too but I've done them all hahaha!)

I have to take a break from offers because I'm starting to get mad about them, and that's never a good thing. I wish I had something new and exciting for you, but I just don't. *laugh* I'm sorry, I really don't have anything to post for you today.

So I've decided instead of a blog post, I'm going to retool the Beginner Tips tab over the course of the day, add a couple of things that are lacking from those tabs up top. For now though, I have to get away from this computer. It's cold as snowballs but my kids and I need some fresh air, so we are going to walk to the library. A good mile there and back in the brisk cold should wear them out, should energize me, and I will tackle it again later. 

One thing I do wanna mention though- I have had a lot of people writing PMs to me on Facebook, or chatting with me in Instant Message there, asking a lot of questions. Just so you know, I LOVE THAT! Don't ever say sorry for asking questions. I'm weird I guess, but I really enjoy it. So if there is something you came here today hoping to read, or if you just can't manage to sift through old posts for your answer (I get it, I do!), please drop me a line on Facebook. If I don't answer right away, I'm taking that needed (and I hope deserved lol) break, but I will be on later!

So until later, or tomorrow, I bid you a Happy Thursday, and as always,



  1. There is a special offer on tapjoy that everyone on facebook is talkin about. It pays 238 swagbucks and its titled as "Find New Auto Online at up to 50% Off!". Even though when the link is clicked and nothing shows up, you still get the swagbucks. I hope it works for you. =D

  2. Hi JennySweets, thank you for your comment. I take my readers' feedback seriously so you'll see some changes now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns with me. Thanks again. BTW, on my blog you can also enter for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift certificate (worth 450 swag bucks). Thanks!

  3. I have a question.. When it says that the item has been shipped why didnt it come to my house already. :(


Have a question for me? A comment? Leave it here and I'll get back to ya!