There are a few abbreviations and terms on the Swagbucks Facbeook wall, and in this blog, that might be confusing for some of the newere swaggernauts. So let me see if I can remember them all, and list them here for you!
TSG - The Swag Guy / Gal
AGC - Amazon Gift Card
SBTV - Swag Bucks TV
Midnight Bucks - Every night at 12 am Central Time (GMT -6) the Swag Bucks win algorithm resets for the new day. Even if you won at 11:58 you have a VERY good chance of winning after the hour rolls over. Some folks win 2-4 times but the average is one. Remember- this win counts as the first of the day, so if you come on in the morning and don't get a win, be patient. If you spread out your searching lie normal, you can still get 2-3 more wins before bed time!
MSBD - Mega Swag Bucks Day. Every Friday the win algorithm is tweaked to allow you the chance to win higher denomination swag bucks. Anything 11 and up is considered mega *wry face* but there's a chance you could win a Really Mega win, like a 50 or 100! It happens, people post their mega wins on the Swagbucks Facebook wall!
DQ or DQ'd - Disqualified from a survey
FB - Facebook
FBSB - Swagbucks Facebook Page
1/1 or 2/3 or 2/3/1 or any combo of numbers - People are listing their wins. 2/3/1 would mean 2 search wins, 3 SBTV wins, and one code. It's always search/sbtv and if there's a code, that's on the end.
TTPTP - Twitter Tuesday PhraseThat Pays. Every Tuesday, if you have a Twitter account, TSG will post in the blog what the Tuesday Twitter Phrase That Pays is. Follow his guidelines and tweet your creative response for a chance to win 500 swagbucks!
TTT - Twitter Triva Thursday. Each Thursday TSG will post in the blog when Twitter Thursday Trivia is going to begin, and will give you the lowdown on the rules / format for tweeting your answers. There are usually three multi-part questions. The winners get larger swag buck wins for each question- they get to be pretty hard! These contests move FAST so if you are going to play, stretch your fingers first!